April 17, 2018 / Events
Please consider joining us for our end of year awards ceremony on Monday, May 7th at 6:00 pm in the Governor Thomas Johnson High School main auditorium. This annual event recognizes our unit and individual cadet accomplishments throughout the academic year while saying goodbye to our departing seniors. The event should last one hour with a reception to follow.

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April 3, 2018 / Events
Please click the link below, print and complete. Turn in the completed form to any NJROTC Instructor by Monday, April 16th. The first 40 are guaranteed a seat on the bus. If we reach at least 60 cadets, we will reserve a second bus.
Arlington Permission 2018

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November 1, 2017 / Events

Our next field trip is a tour of the Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. This tour is open to the first 42 cadets who return a completed (parent and teacher signatures) permission form to CDR Gillespie. There is no fee to attend, but students are asked to bring money for lunch at the Devil Dog Diner. To ensure all students both in and out of semester as well as non-T.J. cadets have an equal opportunity to attend, we will accept a digital copies of completed forms. (Email completed forms directly to [email protected])
Please complete and return this permission form to CDR Gillespie. USMC Museum Permission Form
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October 12, 2017 / Events

Our next field trip is a hike along the Appalachian Trail. From Washington Monument state park in Maryland to Gathland state park, this 12-mile hike is open to the first 42 cadets who return a completed (parent and teacher signatures) permission form to CDR Gillespie. To ensure all students both in and out of semester as well as non-T.J. cadets have an equal opportunity to attend, we will not require the $5 fee until the morning of the trip, and will accept a digital copies of completed forms. (Email completed forms directly to [email protected])
AT Permission Form (print me)
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March 4, 2017 / Events
Our November field trip is a 10-mile hike along the Appalachian Trail. Starting in Harper’s Ferry, WV, we will hike aprox. 10 miles to Gathland State Park, MD. At Gathland, cadets will be provided a free picnic style lunch. Before signing up, ensure that you are physically (and mentally) prepared for this hike. Though their is only one significant 1/2 mile hill, the rest is flat to rolling ridge line. Appropriate clothing, shoes, hydration and attitude are a must.
Please complete the attached permission form and return to Chief. The first 40 are guaranteed a spot, while the rest will be added to a waiting list if we get an additional 25. Please contact Chief Rodrigues with any questions or concerns.
App Trail Permission 2017
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