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Patriot NJROTC 2020 Military Ball
March 27, 2020 @ 18:00 - 23:30
Overview of the 2020 Military Ball
General. The Annual Patriot NJROTC Military Ball will be held in the Clarion Inn Event Center at 5400 Holiday Drive, Frederick, MD 21703 from 1830 to 2330 on Friday, 27 March 2020. This event offers our cadets and their guests the experience of a formal military dinner (with ceremonies and toasts) and the fun of a high school dance. It is important that our cadets and their guests arrive between 1800-1830 in order for them to deposit their coats before proceeding through the sword arch and receiving line at 1830. Expect rush hour traffic going to the ball! You have often been told that everything we do in the NJROTC is a learning experience – and that’s not all classes are in the classroom. This is true for the Military Ball. It is more formal than a prom, and includes ceremonies that are based on military tradition. We anticipate approximately 200 cadets and guests.
Uniforms. If you are a male cadet, stay in uniform throughout the evening. Check your uniform carefully and ensure that it is fresh out of the cleaners and “inspection ready.” Take extra clasps with you; if you don’t need them, someone else will. Remember, all eyes will be on us and we will be judged by our appearance and behavior. Those wearing Service Dress Blue may remove the uniform jacket only during the dance portion of the evening, and must put the jacket back on before leaving the ballroom. Rolling of sleeves and unbuttoning of shirts will not be permitted. Also, all ties must remain on. Pay special attention to your shoes and haircut. Covers will not be worn.
Civilian Attire. The Military Ball is a formal dinner-dance, and those of you who are bringing dates or other friends should remind them of the appropriate dress. At the very minimum, men should wear a dark suit, dress shirt and tie. Women and female cadets should be dressed for a formal or prom, which means floor-length dresses. It is not pleasant to deny entrance to someone who has come to have a good time but is inappropriately dressed. More detail on uniforms and appropriate civilian attire is included separately in this information packet.
Transportation. Transportation will not be provided and is the responsibility of cadets and their families. Some of you will be transported to the ball by your parents or other adults. Many of you will travel in cars driven by cadets. Please drive with caution! At the end of the evening, double-check your ride home. It’s a long walk!
Etiquette. During the first part of the evening, there are certain courtesies to observe:
- Check your coat/jacket and then check-in at the reception table.
- Say good evening to our honored guests. Talk with them and make them feel welcome. Remember your “sir’s” and “ma’am’s”.
- If you have a date, ensure that he/she is introduced to your fellow cadets to help them feel welcome.
- Use this opportunity to mingle with and get to know cadets from our unit.
Guests. Each cadet is permitted two (2) guests and parents are also welcome. Guests may be students of GTJHS or of other FCPS high schools. Use the enclosed Response Card to register for the Ball. Please indicate the number and names of guests to be expected, their meal selections, and enclose money for the tickets when you return the form. Checks should be made out to “Patriot NJROTC” with “Military Ball” on the memo line. Hand your response and the money directly to a Naval Science Instructor…do not drop it at the main office or mail room or leave it to someone else. Permission forms are required for each cadet and student guest attending and should be turned in along with the Response Card and payment.
Costs. The cost is $30 each for cadets and the first student guest; $45 each for additional student guests and parents. Payment will be accepted until Friday, March 13th, which is two weeks before the Ball. The cutoff is necessary to provide the Clarion Inn with final numbers and meal choices.
Dancing. Energetic but decent… this is not the place to press the envelope of good behavior on the dance floor. Your instructors do not want to embarrass you by asking you to take a seat; proper decorum will be observed throughout the evening. Remember where you are and what you represent.
Patriot NJROTC 2020 Military Ball Schedule of Events
1800-1830 Cadets and Guests Arrive
1830 Receiving Line/Sword Arch
1850 Welcome Remarks
1900 Presentation of Colors
1905 Cake Cutting Ceremony
1910 Grace
1915 Dinner
2030 Toasts
2040 Introduction of Guest Speaker
2045 Guest Speaker Remarks
2100 Dancing
2330 Conclusion
REQUIRED FORMS: Permission Slip and Response Card
Schedule of Events, Event Overview, and the Transportation and Attire Information