Founded in 1916, the JROTC program hosts over 500,000 students in over 3,500 units across the country. Representing all branches of service, the mission is to instill the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.

To fulfill this mission, Patriot NJROTC combines academic classwork, extracurricular activities, and competitive teams.


  • Naval Science 1
  • Naval Science 2
  • Naval Science 3
  • Naval Science 4


All events outside of the classroom are either extracurricular trips/opportunities or competitive teams.

Extracurricular events include:

  • Field Trips
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Leadership Academy
  • Boys/Girls State
  • Mini-Bootcamp


Drill Team

Drill Team

Orienteering Team

Orienteering Team

Rifle Team

Rifle Team